Primula Denticulata Drumstick Primrose
Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about Primula Drumstick Primrose Himalayan Primrose Primula denticulata Ronsdorf Strain. Robust and easy to grow this showy perennial is an ideal candidate for flower beds and borders.
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The drumstick primula Primula denticulata has distinctive large spherical heads of tightly packed bell-shaped florets in pink lilac white or red which it carries on tall stems above finely toothed slightly hairy foliage.

Primula denticulata drumstick primrose. Site and Plant Characteristics. Primula denticulata Rubra variety is a handsome plant with deep purplish red flowers and large smooth foliage. Alba bears white flowers.
It is one of the few primroses that is relatively easy to grow from seeds. These plants are suited to growing in the border rockery or as a pond marginal plant. It grows about 1 foot high with a clustered ball of flowers atop a sturdy upright stem.
Today it is commonly cultivated in domestic gardens Stock Photo. They make great companions for early-blooming daffodils tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs. Plants form a lush mound or rosette of large green leaves bearing upright stems with a ball of flowers on the end beginning in mid spring.
Drumstick Primula Tooth-Leaved Primrose. It is commonly known by the names Drumstick Primula and Tooth-Leaved Primrose. Here is a very easy to grow Primrose that is so showy.
Wide 8 cm of many flat flowers in shades of pale lilac rich purple blue pink or white. Also known as The Drumstick primrose or Himalayan Primrose this is a vigorous perennial. Primula denticulata drumstick primrose.
Genus Primula are herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennials forming a basal rosette of simple leaves with salver-shaped or bell-shaped flowers which may be solitary or carried in an umbel or in whorls on an erect stem Details P. It is an herbaceous perennial growing to 45 cm 18 in tall and wide with rosettes of oval leaves and sturdy stems bearing. Primula Denticulata also known as the Drumstick Primula or the Tooth-Leaved Primrose is a perennial best known for its blossoms borne in rounded heads atop tall erect stems.
Has rosettes of oblong or spoon shaped mid green toothed leaves with a white meal underneath. Primula denticulata Nepal Mix Drumstick Primrose German. Very unique drumstick type Primrose Primula denticulata.
Flowers to 18mm in width pale or deep purple with a yellow eye borne in dense rounded. The rich blue-purple balls of flowers on the end of a stalk appear in mid spring and continue until mid summer. Denticulata is an herbaceous perennial to 30cm with obovate leaves mealy beneath.
Primula denticulata is a herbaceous perennial species in the Primulaceae family. Robust Primula denticulata commonly known as Drumstick Primula is a very attractive perennial with dense rounded flowerheads 4 in. Primula denticulata the drumstick primula is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae native to moist alpine regions of China S Xizang Afghanistan Bhutan India Kashmir N Myanmar Nepal and Pakistan.
Borne on sturdy erect stems above rosettes of lance-shaped wrinkly leaves. Each plant features there own selection of flowers ranging from pale lilacs through rich purples charming pinks blue and white. A neat perennial from Afganistan to China.
This plant is native to the Himalayas and is hardy in zones 2 to 8. Unlike many primroses this species is. RMC1K9E3 Primula denticulata Drumstick primrose or Himalayan Primrose is a species of primrose native to mainly Afghanistan and Chinese alpine regions.
We plant ours in redwood bark mulch that gets plenty of overhead irrigation and they happily grow and flower. In the summer it grows vigorously and thrives in moist conditions. One of the easiest Primrose species to succeed with performing well in a wide range of climates.
Drumstick primulas of mixed flower colors brighten up the spring landscapes with their tightly packed rounded heads of flowers each with a small delicate yellow eye. This fully hardy plant produces beautiful purple globe shaped flowers with yellow centres on short stems. Primula denticulata Lilac Drumstick Primrose.
Bears drum stick shaped flower heads with trumpet shaped purple red-violet or white flowers with yellow eyes. Primulaceae Family One of the earliest flowering primroses Drumstick Primrose produces globular pink purple and white flower heads in spring.
Primula Denticulata Ronsdorf Mix Drumstick Primrose From Riverbend Nursery Primula Denticulata Primula Pnw Garden
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